School's Application Form

for book-loving schools

We’re looking for book-loving schools to play host to future book groups for our TALES BY MAIL podcast. We’ll work with each of our partner schools for a period of 6 months and ask you to record 3 book group discussions during that time.

  • If you’re chosen, here’s how it will work:
    • We’ll send you free reading copies of our featured books (up to 10 copies of each) for your school book group to discuss and allow your students plenty of reading time.
    • We’ll work with you to create a reading and recording schedule that fits your timetable (and ours!).
    • We’ll provide a question pack to help guide your discussion plus full instructions and a podcast recording kit.
    • We’ll ask for you to record 3 separate podcast episodes over the course of 6 months.
    • Your students will also be able to submit questions to ask the authors of our featured books.
    To apply, please fill out your details.
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